Spotless Glow Face Cream is an advanced skincare formula to help revitalize and restore the skin's natural glow. Its unique blend of natural ingredients is designed to deliver intense hydration and nourishment while helping to reduce the appearance of blemishes and dark spots. It's an ideal choice to keep your skin looking beautifully spotless.
Spotless glow face cream even out, lighten and repairs skin, it also improves the epidermal layer’s ability to retain its natural oils and moisture…. this face cream remove hyperpigmentation, acne/pimples, freckles, sunburns, dark circles, dark spot and discolorations
How to use
Apply on clean skin after using any of our facial cleansers and Toner
Apply morning and night for best result
disclaim:Discontinue usage immediately if any irritation occurs .
questa crema viso aiuta a rimuovere iperpigmentazione, cicatrici da acne/brufoli, scottature, occhiaie e macchie scure
cette crème pour le visage aide à éliminer l'hyperpigmentation, les cicatrices d'acné/boutons, les coups de soleil, les cernes et les taches brunes
Ingredients: L Glutathione, hyaluronic acid, Vitamin B3, Vitamin E, kojic acid, bete arbutin, Rose extract, Carrot oil, licorice extract, vitamin c.
Net 50ml
This face has moisturising effect than the rejuvenating face cream and golden crystal face cream