Why Do Dark Spots Get Darker Before They Get Lighter?
You’ve been faithfully sticking to your brightening regimen, and yet, the excess pigment you’re targeting appears to be getting darker rather than lighter. What’s going on? Don’t panic. It’s a natural phenomenon of the brightening process. You’ve heard the phrase “darkest before the dawn.” It’s kind of like that. We like to call it, the “worse before better” paradox of skin care. We’ll explain.
There are more triggers for pigment productionthan there are pathways for its elimination. Over time, this leads to an accumulation of melanin in the skin that appears as dark spots or patches on the surface.
What triggers hyperpigmentation and dark spots?
Any trauma to the skin, including UV and chemical exposure, heat, cuts, bruises, irritation, hair removal, and acne, can cause the inflammation that triggers the skin’s protective melanin response (hyperpigmentation).
Hormones or genetics are the main triggers for the patches of discoloration known as melasma.
In dark skin tones, the greater concentration of melanin in the skin means hyperpigmentation is more common and takes longer to fade.
How does the skin’s protective melanin response turn into dark spots?
Pigment production begins in the deeper layers of the skin and naturally rises to the surface where it concentrates in dark spots. The skin is constantly regenerating, which means the pigmented cells will naturally slough off. However, pigment tends to form faster than it is shed away and the long it’s left untreated, the more deeply rooted it becomes.
Can treatment make dark spots temporarily darker?
Yes. Active treatment accelerates cell turnover, pulling pigmented cells to the surface at a faster rate. This increases the concentration of melanin in the epidermis, which can create a temporary darkening of the spots.
The darkening means the pigment is coming up and is ready to be shed away. You might be tempted at this point to over-exfoliate in an attempt to speed up the process even more. Don’t. Harsh chemicals or excessive scrubbing can create irritation, which will trigger more inflammation and catalyze a melanin response.
Some best natural lightening ingredients for dark spots
vitamin c
Latic acid, mandelic acid, glycolic acid, it provide both melanin-inhibition and exfoliation.
And more
contact us for recommendations
p.s always use a SPF sunscreen 30 or more every day to prevent hyperpigmentation, Hyperpigmentation spots are often caused by repeated exposure to the sun. Freckles and other darkened skin areas can become darker from sun exposure. This happens by the melanin absorbing the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays in order to protect the skin from overexposure.
we recommend customers to be patient and consistent in using any skin lightening products (skin lightening is a process that requires time)